We Can't Stop Laughing

 Today, Adrian and I started our filming process for our Extra gum commercial. Our friend, Janaiya, was kind enough to help us with filming. It ended up being a huge help, since both me and Adrian were acting in the commercial. She's in A Level Media, so she was able to give us advice since she has done the assignment before. 

The main obstacle we ran into while filming was the acting. Adrian and I couldn't control our laughter at times, which prolonged the filming process. Janaiya was very patient with us and gave us tips on how to get through the scene more effieciently. As time went on, it became easier to control our laughter and get through scenes quicker.

Another issue we had was having to share our filming space. Another group filmed at the table that half of our commercial takes place in. Even though this was an inconvenience for both groups, we were able to come up with a compromise. My group filmed as much as we could for the first half of class, and the other group filmed their commercial the second half of class. In the end, we filmed most of our commercial and the other group finished theirs.

We will use the next class period to film the scenes we didn't get to today. We also decided to add more scenes because after looking at parts of the commercial, we realized the story was too rushed. For example, the scene where the boy and girl has a "moment" felt too quick and we were pondering the idea of adding a split screen or point-of-view shots to make the audience connect with the characters more.

Additionally, the footage we filmed already exceeds 30 seconds and we didn't film all the scenes yet. We have much footage to cut out, but have to add footage as well. We are currently working on a solution to this problem. But for now, I am ending the day with being proud of my group. We got a lot of work finished and I can see our vision coming to life!


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