Today was the second and last day to edit my commercial. I was very excited to put the final touches and finally get this project completed. The last two issues to conquer in our editing process was the time and the slogan.

First, my partner and I had to find a way to trim 17 seconds off. I began by trimming the unnecessary seconds in the beginning and end of some takes. There was so much excess because we wanted to make sure nothing was cut out, so we started the shot about 2 seconds earlier and ended the shot 2 seconds later. This, however, did not suffice and we were down to only about 38 seconds. Then, I suggested taking out certain scenes that were not necessary to the story. For instance, I took an extra scene of the boy walking to his seat. I decided this wasn't needed because we have a close-up shot and tracking shot that also shows the boy walking to his seat. I also suggested to Adrian that we take out some footage of the boy making the paper airplane. We just made sure that the audience could see the end result, which was the wrapper in the shape of an airplane, because the folding footage took up precious seconds.

Additionally, Adrian and I had trouble fitting the iconic "Give Extra, Get Extra" slogan into the commercial. After we had finally trimmed the commercial down to 30 seconds, we realized we didn't have enough time to fit the slogan. Our plan was to screen-record the ending, slogan scene from a real Extra commercial and insert it into our own. However, since we already took up all of our time, we needed to conjure up a different plan. That plan was to type out the slogan and add it to our last scene. I have seen a few extra commercials do this method, so I decided it would work out. Adrian put the text in fancy font to emulate the style of Extra commercials. And finally, I added the audio of the distinctive voice that states the slogan at the end of every Extra commercial.

With these final touches, the commercial was finally finished!


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