Filming Day 1

 Today was our first filming day!

Faith and Adrian came to my house at 8:30 am because we wanted to get an early start. We began with clearing out all the items in my room that doesn't fit. This included stuffed animals, items with my name on it, and anything that had brands or characters on it. We kept certain stuffed animals and some of my items because it matched the girly, childish theme. This included my music box, jewelry, and certain stuffed animals. 

After we got the set ready, it was decided that Faith would act in the film instead of me. I felt like Faith would be the best option because I had trouble focusing last time I acted in a film. At first, I was worried that the costumes I picked out wouldn't fit her. The costumes were my clothes and we didn't bring any extra because the original plan was for me to act. However, the clothes fit perfectly and looked great on Faith. This proved to be a good decision because Faith gave no issues. She stayed serious most of the time and helped us film faster.

The shot that was the most fun to film was the closet scene. I wanted to get shot of Faith opening the closet suddenly and I had to actually go inside my closet. It took a few times to get right because I couldn't fit that well in my closet and it needed a few trials. Also, Faith had to look directly in the camera, which made all of us laugh. The most difficult scene to film was the mirror scenes. We had to film Faith looking in the mirror a lot and we had to get the perfect angle, to make sure the camera can't be seen in the mirror. 

For this first filming day, we only filmed the scenes in my room. Next time, we are filming the scenes in the kitchen. Overall, everything went pretty smoothly!


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