Trip to the Thrift Store

    Our final task calls for some costumes and props that I didn't have on hand. Our group split up some responsibilities, and I was put in charge of collecting the essential props and clothing. Over the weekend, I visited my favorite thrift store, American Thrift Store. I go to this thrift store all the time to shop for clothes and other random things. In fact, I would say 70% of my wardrobe is from this thrift store. They never disappoint!

My goal for the trip was to find a creepy dress for Abel to wear while getting ready, a tea tray, and a few dolls. The last time I shopped here, I saw a bunch of dolls in the back of the store. I knew that was my first stop, since the dolls are the most important prop in the film. 

I went to the back of the thrift store and, to my luck, there was like ten different dolls on the shelf! There were so many options to choose from and I didn't even know where to begin. I decided to go for the dolls that looked like little girls. I chose the dolls with frilly dresses, lots of lace, and in the newest condition. 

After I found the dolls, I went to the night-wear section. I was trying to envision what Abel would wear while getting ready for this deadly tea party. I imagined a creepy, white night gown, similar to the one worn in The Ring. I looked around the night gowns for a few minutes and I finally found the dress I was looking for! Everything about the dress was perfect!

I spotted a tea tray, however it was too expensive for a thrift store. I concluded it wasn't worth to buy and left with my two great finds!


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